DMC embroidery thread/fancy threads/ DMC phosphorescent threads E940 - 57 x 42 cm
Braid by Sara Revil passementière ‘Tressage et Passementerie’ (Ardèche -FR)
Mounting by Martine Hacquart (Die) FR
The history of the fan is fascinating, it has crossed the centuries and undergone various uses. In China, the first writings on fans date from the Jin dynasty (265- 420). Its rigid aspect evokes the two traditional creations of the fanzi. One is rigid, the other is foldable and useful. It is an essential element of the art of living and of the culture in Asia. It remains the inseparable object of the traditional rites of China and Japan, the fan is a fundamental accessory in the theater, in the narrative art rakugo, in the traditional Korean dance, as well as in certain martial arts. These codes are embroidered in a visual rhythm close to the manga referring to the master painters, to the calligraphy and to the frank colors of the Asian advertising paintings. Nevertheless it is the ecological way to face global warming in any circumstance, if it is elegant it is even better
Exhibited from 5th to 29th March 2020
14 artists participated in this project that was organised by Souchaud Art Project
Mr Li Antiques, Saigon, 1905.
Mr Li was the proud owner of a beautiful Asian antiques shop on Catinat street, in the town centre of Saigon. He collected objects from all over Indochina: ancient artworks, furniture made of precious materials, traditional ceramics, Khmer sculptures alluding to the Man-God, and fine silk works.
Every night, Mr Li went home by tilbury. On the way, he would pass the Continental Hotel where many of his customers were staying. Coming from all over the world, they visited his shop, seeking unique pieces to fill their cabinets of wonders.
Françoise Souchaud - Curator
Sketch book development period from 24th October 2019 to 22nd January

Eventail Patience. pour exposition Mr Li antiquité textile / broderie / fils phosphorescents Textile broderie/ fils phosporescents. 57 x 42 cm

Eventail Patience, verso pour exposition Mr Li antiquité textile / broderie / fils phosphorescents Textile broderie/ fils phosporescents. 57 x 42 cm

Eventail Patience. pour exposition Mr Li antiquité textile / broderie / fils phosphorescents Textile broderie/ fils phosporescents. 57 x 42 cm Expo Art Souchaud Project

Eventail Patience. pour exposition Mr Li antiquité textile / broderie / fils phosphorescents Textile broderie/ fils phosporescents. 57 x 42 cm Expo Art Souchaud Project

Eventail Patience. pour exposition Mr Li antiquité textile / broderie / fils phosphorescents Textile broderie/ fils phosporescents. 57 x 42 cm Expo Art Souchaud Project

Monsieur Li, Antiquités à Saïgon en 1905, Monsieur Li était l’heureux propriétaire d’un joli commerce d’antiquités asiatiques, rue Catinat, en plein centre ville de Saïgon. Il recevait de toute l’Indochine des objets d’art anciens, des meubles aux essences précieuses, des céramiques traditionnelles, des sculptures Khmer évoquant l’Homme -Dieu et de délicats ouvrages de soie.Chaque soir, Monsieur Li rentrait chez lui en prenant un tilbury, passait devant l’Hôtel Continental où séjournaient de nom