Hunting equipment
mace quiver
dyed textiles, cloth, scarves, various threads, beads - 2024
"Emergency " Car quoi !
dyed textiles, sheeting, scarves, various threads - 2024
As a harvester rather than a hunter, I spend an infinite amount of time sketching the fruits and vegetables of our daily lives - an infinite source of inspiration - in drawings, photographs or textiles, sublimating them, transforming them and confusing them with their decrepitude.
I've worked with all kinds of utensils, plates, cutlery and then textile bags, taking a curious look at the objects that lead us to the table.
My "Madeleine", as best memory, would be that little moment at the end of the meal when you go to the dishwasher. I find it particularly interesting in the memories of exchanging anecdotes, probably due to the onset of digestion, a moment of reflection when this mechanical cleaning leaves room for the mind to wander.

"Emergency "Car quoi dyed textiles, sheets, scarves, various yarns, lime- 2024

Hunting equipment mace quiver dyed textiles, cloth, scarves, various threads, beads -2024

Hunting equipment mace quiver dyed textiles, cloth, scarves, various threads, beads -2024

Carquois et flêches

Jeu de trois pièces Sauvages drap, fil, tilleul

Textiles teints, drap, fils divers, cuir, tilleuls.

Textiles teints, drap, fils divers, cuir, tilleul

Textiles teints, drap, fils divers, cuir, tilleuls.