“Wishes, losses, resorts, hopes”
An Ex-Voto represents a profound request to relieve one’s soul. It supports a wish to a deity to enable an exchange. It expresses the individual’s desire and gratitude.
V. S. L. M. Votum Solvit Libens Merito. "He has fulfilled his vow, willingly, as it should."
Textile, broderie, fil perles. Hauteur 25 cm (2013)
Textile, broderie, fil perles (2013)
Textile, broderie, fil perles (2013)
Textile, broderie, fil perles (2013)
textile, crochet, laine, broderie, perle
textile, crochet, laine, broderie, perle
textile, crochet, laine, broderie, perle
textile, crochet, laine, broderie, perle
textile, crochet, laine, broderie, perle
textile, crochet, laine, broderie, perle
Exposition collective pour les carrés de Courcelles (2014)