The O no longer flows from a spring,
Silk fabric, gold thread, textile paint (organic)
A nasty word game that puts us face to face
to an already worrying reality, the management
water resources. A line drawn
random that brings together the source and its purpose.
The Kintsugi (Japanese art of repair
ceramics) teaches us that the
broken objects and the “wounds” formed, do not
are not items to hide or throw away
but rather to display. Enhance the cracks,
rather than hiding our faults, encourage us
as a human to accept our
imperfections. Act, repair the present,
remember for the future and take care of a
although we have the most precious O.
This rift is a fight on all fronts.

Collectif FU (Useful Thread)
Palais de la Bourse è Lyon 2
▼ du 17 au 20 nov 22
jeudi 17 nov de 14h à 19h
vendredi 18 nov de 10h à 19h
samedi 19 nov de 10h à 19h
dimanche 20 nov de 10h à 18h
The O no longer flows from a spring,
Silk fabric, gold thread, textile paint (organic)
A nasty word game that puts us face to face
to an already worrying reality, the management
water resources. A line drawn
random that brings together the source and its purpose.
The Kintsugi (Japanese art of repair
ceramics) teaches us that the
broken objects and the “wounds” formed, do not
are not items to hide or throw away
but rather to display. Enhance the cracks,
rather than hiding our faults, encourage us
as a human to accept our
imperfections. Act, repair the present,
remember for the future and take care of a
although we have the most precious O.
This rift is a fight on all fronts.
The O
the FU collective offers 10 individual works produced by 10 members of the FU collective united by a theme and a few game rules around the THEME OF WATER.
That which is unleashed, that which is lacking, that which is privatized or disputed, that which is polluted, that of the lakes, that of Lake Como of the Loire or the Rhône, water which moves, which stagnates, drought, white water, lagoon, springs , storms, torrential rains, clouds, abundance, lack, overflow, wave, wave, life... to be treated poetically, politically...
The artists are constrained to use as the basis of the creations the scraps of different white silks (twill, crepe, pongee, etc.) recovered from a factory in Forez.
The usual materials of the know-how of each speaker will be added to this matrix and according to the practice of each silk will be painted, dyed, sculpted, embroidered, woven, assembled, cut... -
From white to tinted medium dark light blues…
Process & exhibition

Palais de la Bourse Lyon, pendant Silk in Lyon

Tissu soie, fil or, peinture textile (bio) 45 x 145 cm Un méchant jeu de mot qui nous met face à une réalité déjà préoccupante, la gestion des ressources en eau. Une ligne au tracé aléatoire qui réunis la source et sa finalité. Le Kintsugi (art japonais de la réparation des céramiques) nous enseigne que les objets cassés et les “blessures” formées, ne sont pas des éléments à cacher ou à jeter mais plutôt à afficher. Valoriser les fissures

Palais de la Bourse Lyon, pendant Silk in Lyon

Tissu soie, fil or, peinture textile (bio) 45 x 145 cm

Tissu soie, fil or, peinture textile (bio) 45 x 145 cm

Palais de la Bourse Lyon, pendant Silk in Lyon

Tissu soie, fil or, peinture textile (bio) 45 x 145 cm

Tissu soie, fil or, peinture textile (bio) 45 x 145 cm

Tissu soie, fil or, peinture textile (bio) 45 x 145 cm

Tissu soie, fil or, peinture textile (bio) 2 panneaux 45 x 145 cm